‘Quantum leap’ for inner dashes and floor insulators


Switzerland-based Autoneum has launched a new technology for inner dashes and floor insulators that offers “excellent shapeability, light weight and a high acoustic performance”.

Prime-Light was presented to the public for the first time last month at the International Automotive Acoustics Conference in Zürich, Switzerland, which has been staged under the scientific leadership of Autoneum for more than 40 years.

Prime-Light is the latest advancement of Autoneum’s Ultra-Light technology and represents a “quantum leap” in terms of innovation within the segment for inner dashes and floor insulators for vehicles.

Compared with previous versions of Ultra-Light, Prime-Light components can be pressed into a wide variety of different shapes and sizes so that they adjust optimally to the individual body-in-white shapes and take account of increasingly complex production processes in vehicle construction.

As a result, Prime-Light can now also be applied in vehicle models where Autoneum’s Ultra-Light technology could not be used so far.

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