Illuminated door panels launched at IAA

At last month’s International Motor Show (IAA) in Frankfurt, Germany, Yanfeng Automotive Interiors (YFAI) showcased door panels that enable optical accentuation of the vehicle interior.

The company presented prototypes of decorative fabric and leather door panels to demonstrate the innovative integration of light guides for ambient lighting into large-scale surfaces.

The new light guides for ambient lighting are not only decorative, but also help to display vehicle status messages.

With distinct light effects in any colour or shape, YFAI is able to illuminate unique fabric patterns directly or to backlight perforated leather surfaces in its new door panels in a manner that is visually appealing.

The new technology directly incorporates light guides into a lightweight support fabric combined with light-emitting diodes (LEDs), which enable large-scale illumination with maximum design freedom.

The thin material fitted with light guides forms a surface that is then used as a backlighting solution.

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