According to Rosstat, the production of synthetic fibres and yarns in Russia increased by 23.7% in the first half of 2016. Producers and consumers predict strong growth in the medium term.
Russian production of synthetic fibres and yarns has been growing for the past six years. From 2011 to 2015, the increase amounted to 4.1% a year on average, but this year growth has accelerated sharply.
In the first half of 2016, Russian enterprises produced 75,600 tonnes of synthetic fibres – 25% more than the same period last year. These figures and the positive dynamics confirm a study conducted by IndexBox.
Market participants also confirm these predictions. According to a representative of Gazprom Khimvolokno, the main trend in the industry at present is import substitution: the devaluation of the rouble has contributed to a significant increase in the price attractiveness of Russian products on the domestic and foreign markets.
For the full story, see the November 2016 edition of Textiles Eastern Europe. Not a subscriber? Sign up HERE