Major brands implicated in toxic water scandal in Indonesia

Greenpeace International investigations have revealed the dumping of industrial wastewater containing toxic and hazardous chemicals, and caustic water, directly into the Citarum River, West Java, Indonesia. International fashion brands, including Gap, Banana Republic and Old Navy, have been linked to this pollution through their direct business relations with Gistex Group, the company behind the polluting facility.

“Gap’s latest advertising campaign declares that we should ‘Be Bright’, but by collaborating with toxic suppliers, Gap’s clothes are turning the Citarum into a multi-coloured mess,” said Ashov Birry, toxic-free water campaigner, Greenpeace Southeast Asia. “Gap and other big brands need to work with their suppliers in Indonesia and elsewhere to urgently eliminate all uses of hazardous chemicals from their supply chains and products before it is too late.”

For the full story, see the May 2013 edition of Textiles South East Asia. Not a subscriber? Subscribe HERE

