Textile alternative to snow chains

AutoSock will be a regulatory-approved alternative to snow chains in all countries of the EU with effect from 1 December 2020.

The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) published the new European Standard EN16662-1:2020 for supplementary grip devices in May 2020, covering not only metal snow chains, but also devices made from other materials.

Invented by Norwegian tyre expert Bård Løtveit in 1996 and first manufactured in 1998, AutoSock was launched on the European market in 2000.

The device is mounted like a “sock” over the tyres of passenger cars and commercial vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes, and delivers increased traction on snowy and icy roads.

For the full story, see the November 2020 edition of MobileTex. Not a subscriber? Sign up HERE
